Bygone Kitchen Features That Once Meant Convenience

Here we learn about, or else reminisce about, kitchens of the past, and eleven features that we no longer see. I would say this is really ten items, since a Hoosier cabinet was mainly notable because it contained a flour sifter. 

I've never seen a rolling pin drawer, but I'm quite familiar with most of these bygone utensils and appliances. I've lived with a few, because I have always lived in very old homes. My rolling pin is now in that high cabinet over the refrigerator with other stuff I never use, like my meat grinder and my cookie cutters. 

The fold-down ironing board is cool, but a portable ironing board can be taken to the living room to watch TV while ironing, or to the office to use while sewing, or to the dining room when you have too many guests and need another buffet table, or to the bedroom when you finally get rid of the exercise equipment and need something to pile clothes on. Ironing boards are handy even if you don't have an iron.

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