Decorating with DIY Fabric-covered Picture Frames

So you want to decorate the walls of your lovely room with art, family photos, sentimental items, or mirrors, but all you have are broken, mismatched, or cheap-looking frames. One way to pull them all together is to cover them in fabric! With the vast variety of fabric colors and patterns available, you should be able to match anything you want. Personally, I think that matching your frames to your exact wallpaper, or the exact color of your painted walls, is a bit too much, but you do you. Getting fabric to match a secondary color in your decor seems like a better idea, or you could get enough fabric to make throw pillows or a tablecloth to match your new picture frames. And if you have two secondary colors, well, no one said your picture frames all have to match each other!

HonestlyWTF brings us step-by-step instructions for covering your picture frames with fabric. The post refers to them as "upholstered frames," but these don't have padding or springs inside. The word "upholstery" refers to furniture that includes springs or padding and a cover. But if you really want to add padding to your frames, you can figure out a way to do that, too. -via Messy Nessy Chic 

(Image credit: HonestlyWTF)

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