Doghouse Struck by Meteorite Sold at Auction for $44K

Last April 23rd 2019 at 9:07 p.m., a meteorite burned a hole in the roof of a doghouse in Aguas Zarcas, Costa Rica. A few weeks ago, on Februrary 23rd 2022, the doghouse was finally sold at a Christie's auction in New York for $44,100.

The meteorite left a seven-inch hole on the roof of the doghouse. German Shepherd Roky, who had lived in this very doghouse, had been extremely startled but unharmed.

According to Christie's head of science and natural history department James Hyslop, it is highly improbable for meteorites to strike large objects like homes and cars, let alone smaller ones like Roky's doghouse. This highly contributes to the doghouse's high selling price.

Here is a picture of Roky, who is currently missing his home very much.

#meteorite #doghouse #dog #auction #pet

Image source: Christie'sā€‹

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