Modern Staircases Look Lovely and Dangerous

(Image credit: HSH Architects)

Staircases designed by artists can take your breath away. They look stunning, and broadcast their expense with their appearance. Many can be the focal point of a house, or a large public building. Homecrux has a gallery of 50 modern staircases that are architectural wonders, but before you get your heart set on one of them, think about who is going to be using those stairs, and how. What use is the world's most beautiful staircase if someone breaks their neck using them?

(Image credit: Studio Farris)

A beautiful modern staircase can be an optical illusion, which may confuse your perception while you need to be aware of your body position and movement going up or down. People of a certain age absolutely require handrails. Sharp edges may look sharp, but they aren't safe for active children. Steps that aren't standard size are difficult for people who aren't used to this particular configuration. Steps that change shape as you ascend or descend can be hazardous.

(Image credit: Clivelan/Yestudio)

Here's a design you can't help but want to try. The unit on the right may look like a really bad wheelchair ramp, too steep and too slick. But it's a slide! Sure, kids will try to walk up the slide, but the handrails will be adequate to make that possible, if not easy. Looks like fun to me. See all 50 modern staircase designs here.

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