The Evolution of the Bathroom

Most likely, everyone in your neighborhood has a full bathroom in their home, maybe two or three. A full bathroom contains a sink, toilet, and a shower and/or bathtub. A "half bath" nonsensically contains a sink and toilet, and not even half a bathtub. That's become pretty standard in America, but it wasn't always so. Before modern sewer systems and municipal waterworks were installed, we hauled in water from wells and used an outhouse. The change was more gradual than you might imagine. In many areas, the first step toward indoor plumbing was a pump that hauled up water from a well, and later all the way to the kitchen sink. But that had nothing to do with a bathroom.

The gradual move from no water or sewer to the bathroom configuration installed in every new home had its bumps along the way. Houses were already built with no concept of plumbing, so at first, every water fixture was just plopped where there was room, often far away from each other. The idea of washing your body near the privy was considered ridiculous. That led to some weird home layouts as systems were gradually added and offered to homeowners. Read how the "standard" idea of a bathroom was anything but standard, and how we got what we have, at Jstor Daily. -via Strange Company ā€‹

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