CAT-CAT, the DIY Star Wars Cat Tower

It may look like an AT-AT walker from the Star Wars universe, but this is a cat tower, a scratching post, a cubbyhole, a piece of furniture, and art. Whitney Fabre calls it a CAT-CAT. She made it out of plywood, fabric, scrap wood, and glue. Two legs are wrapped with rope, making them a fine scratching surface, and also realistic to the movie The Empire Strikes Back because of the Rebel move of disabling the Empire's war machine by tangling its legs in rope, as illustrated by the attached snowspeeder. The body of the CAT-CAT features a door that drops down to form a platform and a padded cat bed inside. What else could a cat ask for?

ā€‹Fabre posted the process of building this CAT-CAT at Instructables so you can do it, too! Her story is cool even if you don't plan to make one, because it's full of Star Wars references like using a lightsaber if you can't find a circular saw. And it's filled with pictures of the build process along with her cat, Captain Jack Harkness. May the Force be with him always. -via HomeCrux ā€‹

(Images credit: Whitney Fabre)

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