The Colors You Should Have in Your Home

Look around your home. Does it have a color theme? Does it have too much of a color theme? Is it an apartment with landlord white walls and IKEA furniture? Is it all dark antique wood? Does each room have a different color theme? It's time to mix things up and add some color to make it pop! It doesn't have to be your "favorite" color that you've been loyal to since childhood, because they all have a place and a way to add to the beauty of your decor. Even combinations that you'd never mix when you get dressed in the morning can look great in a room together

Jacqueline Clair at Apartment Therapy talked to 12 different interior designers and asked them what colors they wished that their clients used more of. Yes, orange and pink are there, and there are ways to use them that you don't have to be afraid of. See how they all can give your home a lift in this article. ā€‹

(Image credit: Kate Smith Interiors

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