
Writer's Homes You Can Visit for InspirationOne's surroundings can open the mind for creativity. A writer's home doesn't have to be sumptuous, but to produce classic literature, a writer must be comfortable enough to contemplate and craft stories. Of course, some writers start out poor and with success work their way up to owning a grand mansion, while others are born into wealth, education, and time of one's own. An author who achieves worldwide notoriety may eventually have a museum in their honor, often at the home they lived in. The grand house above was where Vladimir Nabokov lived in Siverskaya, Russia. Below, you'll see the famous boathouse Dylan Thomas occupied in Laugharne, Wales. While not quite as grand, it was inspirational. He wrote poetry in the garage he turned into a studio.
Author Clock Uses Literary Quotes to Tell You the TimeWho knew that clocks could become a conversation and statement piece?The Author Clock team, a three-man group, has invented a one-of-a-kind clock that motivates people to read more and discover new authors and genres. The Author Clock tells time through quotes from books. It's masterfully constructed into a conversation piece that'll pique your interest in reading and turn checking the time into a whimsical experience that transports you to significant events in the history of literature and writing.It is meant for your wall or bookshelf and has over 2,000 quotes from authors spanning six centuries, making it an easy-to-read display. It has a glare-free screen that reads like paper even in direct sunlight, no blue light, and an e-reader screen that reads like paper.It also comes in two sizes, small and large, and has a longer battery life, with the little version requiring charging every three weeks and the giant version every two months.Images by: Author Clock#clock #Author #Quotes #Time