Homes and Hues
A Beautiful White Hydrangea Fence Line on a Coastal Home
They say that good fences make for good neighbors. Gorgeous white hydrangea fences, however, likely make for envious neighbors. The shear abundance of poofy white and green blooms shown here is sure to have even the kindest of nearby residents feeling positively green with envy.The hydrangea is a pretty common landscape plant. They tend to put on showy displays of large blooms from early spring well into fall. While some hydrangeas stay relatively small, the the vast majority of others become more shrub like. There is, however, beautiful variety of hydrangea that grows as a vine that can get up to 100 feet tall. The type of hydrangea shown here is loved in landscape design, because it is vibrant and somewhat hardy. A single plant can put on an amazing display. The plant, however, does go dormant in the winter. During that time they tend to leave multiple woody stalks sticking from the ground. For those looking for a green looking fences year round, this may not be the plant for them. #hydrangea #shrub #landscape #plants #whiteflowers #fences #livingfence
Tu Hwnt i'r Bont Tearoom in North Wales is Housed in a Charming Cottage Covered in Leaves
The Tu Hwnt i'r Bront Tearoom in the county of Conwy, North Wales was constructed in 1480. The structure sits near the bank of a river and is actually older than the little bridge that leads to the property. Originally, this lovely little tearoom was intended to be a residential home. Over time, however, the structure has served numerous purposes. At one point the dwelling even functioned as a small local court house.Today the beautiful little building serves up comfort, food, and plenty of architectural inspiration. The gorgeous building is said to be covered in a plant known as Virginia Creeper. This type of vining ivy climbs with the use of tendrils that fasten the plant to things around them. The vine even has the unusual ability to almost cement itself to walls without support. The shear abundance of the gorgeous Virginia Creeper on the Tu Hwnt i'r Bront Tearoom gives the magical impression that the building itself is alive. In fact, the house changes color depending on the seasons. In the summer the hairy structure is awash in vibrant greens. In the fall, however, those greens change to bold and brash reds. #TuHwntirBrontTearoom #tearoom #virginiacreeper #ivy #climinbingplants #cottage #home #plantsImage: Tu Hwnt i'r Bont Tearoom
Sharing is Caring With a Neighborhood Free Plant Stand
Apparently there is a new trend in the neighborhood. Move over the little library. It is time to make room for the free little neighborhood plant stand.The concept is simple. Build a little wooden structure. This one is made from fence posts, but you could easily construct one from old wood or even a leftover pallet. Be sure to add a cute little sign that lets neighbors know that they are encouraged to take a plant and share a plant. Finally, stock the stand with plants, fruits, seeds and veggies to be shared with the community. For those who really want to go to the extra mile, advertise the little neighborhood plant stand to the neighbors via social media. The free little neighborhood plant stand is a wonderful way to share the love of gardening with others. It is also a fantastic way to get rid of some that extra zucchini and yellow squash that may have taken over the garden. Anyone who grows summer zucchini will understand that statement. Those who don't grow summer squash are encouraged to do so and share their bounty with others. Sharing is caring. #littlelibrary #freeplants #plants #succulents #veggies #neighborhood #plantstand
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